Friday, March 6, 2015

Winter Practice...

There are so many times during the week when I know I should be brushing up on certain photo skills. Since most of my work deals with people, I rarely take the time to make images of landscapes and seasonal changes. An art professor once told me that in order to develop as an artist, you must practice everyday. I express to my students at CUA the very same sentiment. However, I am a terrible practitioner of my own teachings. So, my wife, said that I should be out 'practicing'. She, as always, was right. Ever since my frostbite incident, I do not like being out in the cold as much. Well, that and getting older... So, here are some photos from the lake by our house. Not a lot of effort, but still a needed exercise!

1 comment:

  1. As always Matt, your photography is amazing. Thanks for what you do and for these photos. They are for the soul.
